82 Base number from Schedules for English, the comprehensive number.
....3...Fiction (from Table 3B)
.......08766...Fantasy (from Table 3B)
..................08...Collections (from add table in Table 3B – 102-107)
.......................092...Current period (2000- ) for English lit. (from Table 3C & Period Table at 820)
1 comment:
Preference order
The preference order in case of conflict between literary forms is spelled out at the beginning of the 800 schedule and in Table 3B under T3B--1-T3B--8 . There are also preference orders in case of conflict among other aspects. The preference order for the four aspects expressed by means of Table 3C is as follows:
Themes and subjects T3C--3
Elements T3C--2
Qualities T3C--1
Persons T3C--8-T3C--9
For example, use 811.00803581 (not 811.00809287 ) for a general anthology of poetry about war written by American women poets.
The preference given to literary period in relation to the four aspects expressed by means of Table 3C varies: for works treating more than two literatures or more than one form in one literature, literary periods have a lower priority than the aspects from Table 3C; for works treating a specific form in an individual literature, literary periods have a higher priority than the aspects from Table 3C.
Specific media, scope, kinds consistently have preference over both period and the aspects from Table 3C. However, the preference given to scope in relation to kind varies: for drama, scope has a higher preference; but for fiction, kind has higher preference.
Preference orders are always the same for both collections of literary texts and criticism of the texts.
2. [extract from Manual at 800]
Class literary works by language, not by country of origin. However, class works in English originating in North America, South America, Hawaii, and geographically associated islands in 810 (not 820 ). Class works in English from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, and comprehensive works on English literature in 820 . In certain cases, use Table 3C to indicate country of origin. (See also discussion at T3C--93-T3C--99 .)
Class literary works in the language in which they were originally written, e.g., an English translation of a work originally written in Spanish 860 (not 820 ).
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