Wednesday, November 26, 2008

300 / 008 and photographs

Photograph is an actual photograph that has been physically attached to a page. Not to be confused with a photograph that is printed onto a page which is called an illustration (ill.)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

440 replaced by 490 & 830

There are 3 ways of entering series now that the 440 is dead.

490 0 # $a Pelican Books
This is only key word searchable
0 means series not traced

490 1 # $a Department of the Army pamphlet (as it is on the item)
830 # 0 $a DA pam (as it is in the authority)

490 1 # $3 <1981-> :$a Reference works
830 # 0 $a Reference works
This is the new way to enter the 440

490 as it appears on the item
490 1 # $a The Stephen Bechtel Fund imprint in ecology ans the environment.
830 as it appears in the title authority
830 # 0 $a Stephen Bechtel Fund imprint in ecology and the environment

MARC 830 Notes: “Common cataloging practice is to omit initial articles which are disregarded in sorting and filing processes for uniform title fields, thus, second indicator values 1-9 are unlikely to be used in field 830.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cutter for U.S v United States

4.1.2. Initials, Abbreviations, and Acronyms in Cuttering

Cuttering follows the ALA Filing Rules (1980 ed.), which is basically word-by-word filing. Initials, abbreviations, and acronyms are filed as words with U.S. and Gt. Brit. as two exceptions.

EXAMPLES: U.S. Cutter for United States

WHO Cutter for WHO

Gt. Brit. Cutter for Great

St. Cutter for St

Ste. Cutter for Ste

Mc Cutter for Mc (not Mac)

MEDLARS Cutter for Medlars

Dr. Cutter for Dr

IVth Cutter for IVth

T cells Cutter for T